Dear guests,

welcome to beautiful Magyaregregy. We look forward to your visit and wish you a relaxing stay on our campsite. We want to make the time you spend on our campsite as pleasant as possible. In the interest of all guests, we ask you to avoid anything that could disturb our community and to observe the following rules:


Please show consideration for the other guests. The leisure facilities serve everyone to relax. Therefore, please refrain from any actions that could annoy or disturb others.

We can only accept you as a guest if you are free from contagious diseases. With your registration you and everyone accompanying you expressly declare that you are free from such diseases. In the event of incorrect information or explanations, you are liable to the campsite operator for all consequences that arise from a possible impairment of operations up to and including the closure of the site due to official orders.

Opening times and access

The opening period of the campsite can be found in the relevant announcements. The reception and the buffet (cafeteria) are open daily from 8 a.m. to 12 p.m. and from 2 p.m. to 10 p.m.

Access to the campsite is only permitted after prior registration at the reception. A stay for young people under the age of 18 is only possible when accompanied by a parent or legal guardian. Before leaving the campsite for good, please log off at reception.

Arrival and departure

The user fees and guest contributions published in the notice are to be paid on arrival and departure.

On the day of departure, the pitch must be vacated in a clean condition by 11.00 a.m., changes must be returned to the original condition. If the pitch is vacated late, a daily flat rate of 5000 HUF will be charged. If you want to extend your stay, please coordinate this request with the reception in good time. In the event of departure without giving an address or refusal of evacuation upon de facto termination of the contract, the campsite operator can remove camping vehicles and equipment from the pitch.

Order and Cleanliness

You certainly value order and cleanliness as much as we do. Please treat all facilities as carefully as if they were your property. Please always leave the sanitary facilities and the entire campsite area clean and tidy. It is forbidden to tear off branches and twigs from trees, hedges and bushes.

Children under 5 years of age are only allowed to enter the sanitary facilities when accompanied by an adult.

Please avoid disturbing noise, especially during the quiet times from 12 p.m. to 2 p.m. and 10 p.m. to 7 a.m. The campsite operator can block the site during this time. During this time there is an absolute driving ban, radios, televisions, CD players and the like must be set to room volume. The same goes for conversations and conversations.

Out of consideration for other guests, noisy activities are not permitted.

Caravans, tents, awnings, windbreaks and motor vehicles must be set up in such a way that the paths are kept free in full width and length. Please make sure that no one is endangered or bothered by tent pegs, tent cords and other accessories.

The water tapping point may only be used for the economical withdrawal of fresh water. For other purposes, e.g. Do not use water for washing cars or playing. Hot water may only be taken for immediate use in the sanitary building.


The gas systems and gas heaters in the camping accommodations must comply with the legal requirements. As the operator, you are obliged to have this checked at regular intervals. Appropriate evidence must be presented to the campsite operator on request. Please note that you are directly liable to the campsite operator for any damage caused by your gas system.

As a power consumer on the campsite, you recognize that the plug connections and cables between the electrical system of the campsite operator and your electrical system are particularly dangerous. You therefore undertake to keep your cables, plug connections and electrical systems in perfect condition at all times. You are directly liable to the campsite operator and third parties for all damage caused by parts of the electrical systems belonging to you, as well as for damage to earth and overhead lines and consequential damage caused by you.

Open fires and inflammable heating systems are prohibited on the entire campsite with the exception of the designated areas. Barbecuing is only allowed with particular caution and care if all hazards are excluded. Gas bottles must be set up or stored in the containers provided for them. Storage and transport must meet the safety requirements.

The campsite operator is not liable for theft or accidents. This also applies to the use of electrical devices. Use at your own risk. Please keep children away from these devices. Defects on the devices must not be remedied by yourself, but must be reported to the campsite operator immediately.

The children's playground can be used by children up to the age of 14 years. Please teach your children about this and, in particular, inform them about the possible dangers of the play facilities. The playgrounds cannot be constantly monitored by the campsite operator. Parents are responsible for their children.

Use of the pool

The pool may only be used in swimwear.

Children under 5 years of age are only allowed to enter the pool area when accompanied by an adult. Parents are responsible for their children.

For safety reasons and to conserve resources, we ask you not to jump into the water from the edge of the pool. When leaving the pool area, all items you have brought with you must be taken back with you.

Traffic rules

Please only park your car in the parking spot assigned to you. In the event of a violation of this requirement, the right to drive in the leisure facility can be prohibited entirely. This does not reduce the rent.

The maximum speed is 6 km / h on the entire site. In the event of violations, driving in the leisure facility can be prohibited entirely. A rent reduction does not take place. The traffic rules apply accordingly to the entire campsite. Please pay special attention to children and older guests and visitors and drive considerately.


Bringing pets is generally only allowed on the designated areas and accommodations on the basis of the applicable animal welfare ordinance. As the keeper, you undertake that the animals are vaccinated in accordance with the applicable Hungarian regulations. Dogs must always be kept on a leash. Owners must collect animal droppings immediately and dispose of them in the containers provided. In addition, the owners are liable for all damage caused by a pet. As soon as an animal represents a nuisance or a danger, it must be kept completely away from the leisure facility, even if the campsite operator has given permission to keep it beforehand.

Disposal and recycling

According to our waste concept, separate waste disposal is required at our campsite. Only household rubbish generated in the leisure facility may be disposed of. Please be sure to adhere to the prescribed sorting guidelines. All types of waste belong exclusively in the waste containers provided for this purpose. The disposal of bulky waste is strictly forbidden on the campsite. Violations will be punished with an immediate place ban.

Chemical waste water belongs exclusively in the chemical toilet. Any discharge of sewage into the ground or into the trenches is prohibited and leads to immediate eviction. The campsite operator is entitled to carry out appropriate checks. Please note that the tapping points in the open area are only used for drawing drinking water.


In the event of any malfunctions, hindrances or nuisances due to work for technical maintenance, beautification, disposal or maintenance of the campsite and the adjacent facilities, no recourse claims can be made against the campsite operator or the persons or companies commissioned by him. The campsite operator endeavors to carry out this work outside of the rest periods.

The employees working on behalf of the campsite operator are entitled, in exercising their domiciliary rights, to refuse to accept guests or visitors or to expel them if this serves to maintain order on the campsite.

If you are sent off for violating the site rules, you may not re-enter the site this season. The campsite fees will not be reimbursed.

The campsite operator does not assume any liability for the size, quality and nature of the pitch during the rental period. The exclusion of liability also applies to the effects of noise, dirt, smell, wild animals and weather influences of any kind.

For operational reasons, the campsite operator can prohibit the use of individual pitches without compensation or block the leisure facility entirely until the obstacle or danger has been removed or reduced.

By using the facility, you release the campsite operator from any claims for compensation that a third party may make against the campsite operator for damage caused by you, your relatives or visitors, your leisure facility itself or vehicles of any kind. You are obliged to insure your leisure facility against hazards that may arise from this leisure facility. The campsite operator can request the submission of the insurance policy. The campsite operator assumes no liability for damaged or lost items, fire, theft, vandalism or accidents of any kind. You are responsible for all damage caused by you or your relatives / children.

By registering and using the facility, you accept these campsite regulations. These campsite regulations apply until further notice or until they are replaced by another. The scope of these campsite regulations includes the entire campsite including all buildings and facilities on it. Guests within the meaning of these campsite regulations are all campsite guests and visitors.