Terms and Conditions of Nature Camping Máré-Vára (MÁRÉ-CAMPING Kft.)

Dear Guest,
please pay attention to the following terms and conditions. They regulate the legal relationship between you and the Máré-Vára campsite (hereinafter referred to as the "campsite"). These terms and conditions form part of the contract to be concluded with the campsite for the use of the facility in Magyaregregy (hereinafter referred to as the "facility").

Subject of the contract

MÁRÉ-CAMPING Kft. Is the operator of the site and rents out pitches and accommodations on the site to guests. The scope of the service results from the booking confirmation. Additional agreements that change the scope of the contractual service require confirmation.

Booking and contract conclusion

With the booking, the guest offers the campsite the conclusion of a binding contract for the use of the facility including these terms and conditions.

The booking can be made electronically via the Internet, by email or by telephone.

The contract between the guest and the campsite is concluded when the guest receives the booking confirmation from the campsite. In the case of an electronic booking via the Internet, the contract between the guest and the campsite is concluded when a booking confirmation is displayed at the end of the booking process. The guest has the option of printing out this booking confirmation after completing the booking.

The data made available to guest information is protected in accordance with statutory regulations.

Booking changes

Rebooking requests by the guest are only to be addressed directly to the campsite. The implementation of the guest's request for rebooking requires the availability of the services to be changed (e.g. free spaces if the travel date is to be changed).

Rebookings are made - subject to availability - for a fee of 5000 HUF per change process.


Payment is made by the guest to the campsite upon departure.

In the case of an online booking, the total price is due for payment immediately.

Withdrawal / cancellation

You can withdraw at any time by giving a declaration to the campsite. The withdrawal should be declared by stating the booking number. The receipt of the declaration of withdrawal at the campsite is decisive. The campsite recommends that you declare your withdrawal in writing.

If you withdraw from the contract, the campsite retains the right to the agreed remuneration in accordance with the statutory provisions minus the saved expenses as well as minus the benefits that may arise from renting it elsewhere. However, the campsite partially waives the remuneration to which it is entitled by only demanding the following fee from you when withdrawing from the contract:

  • 50 percent of the travel price if you withdraw up to the 28th day before arrival.

In all cases, you are at liberty to prove that the campsite suffered no damage or significantly less damage than the flat rate you requested. In this case you are obliged to pay the lower costs (or if no damage has occurred, no payment).

Minimum length of stay / groups / arrival and departure / no-show

The minimum stay for camping pitches is one day.

The minimum length of stay for rental accommodation is three days.

Groups of more than six guests in the pitch area must be reported to the campsite prior to booking and are only permitted with the prior consent of the campsite.

Pitches and accommodations are free for you from 3 p.m. on the day of arrival and must be vacated by 11 a.m. on the day of departure.

If you do not arrive, the campsite is entitled to assign the pitch to third parties from 10 a.m. on the day following the planned arrival date.

Warranty / liability

The campsite's liability is limited to willful intent and gross negligence. Liability for simple negligence is excluded.

Claims due to non-contractual provision of services must be directed immediately and exclusively to the campsite. If the guest culpably fails to report defects, the guest's claims may be wholly or partially void.

Severability Clause

Should any provision of these terms and conditions be or become ineffective, this shall not affect the effectiveness of the remaining provisions. The ineffective provision is to be replaced by the statutory regulation.

Place of jurisdiction

Lawsuits against the campsite are to be brought at its headquarters. For complaints by the campsite against the guest, the residence of the guest is decisive, unless the complaint is directed against registered traders or persons who have moved their residence or habitual residence abroad after the conclusion of the contract, or their residence or habitual residence at the time is not known when the action is brought. In these cases, the location of the campsite is decisive.

Right of withdrawal

Please note that in the case of legally binding guest accommodation contracts, according to the statutory provisions, there is no right of cancellation on your part as a guest or no right of cancellation free of charge, but in the event of cancellation or no-show you must expect to pay cancellation costs! In this context, we recommend that you take out travel cancellation insurance.

MÁRÉ-CAMPING Kft., Várvölgyi utca 2, 7332 Magyaregregy, Hungary